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Terry, a survivor of head and neck cancer, shares his insight on having a laryngectomy and unexpected aspects of stoma care.


John needed a laryngectomy and was frightened at the prospect of loosing his voice. Here, John gives an insight into the choices that laryngectomy patients have. John chose to learn to speak using a TEP valve which pushes exhaled air up through his mouth. With a bit of practice, John thinks his voice is recognisable as him – have a listen and see what you think!

The clip illustrates the methods of speech available to a laryngectomee. The clip is taken from a film used as part of NALC’s education programme, used with the emergency services.


Here, Malcolm Babb from the National Association of Laryngectomee Clubs (NALC) talks about his personal story of finding out he needed to have laryngeal surgery and the impact on his life. Malcolm chose to use an electrolarynx to communicate and got back to work, communicating effectively.

Talking It Through Part 1

What does a laryngectomy involve? Why is it usually needed and what difference will it make to me?
Members of a laryngectomee group in Sunderland (UK) share their experiences.
A second video is available about recovery and rehabilitation.

Talking It Through Part 2

The video describes the challenges faced immediately after a laryngectomy, the removal of the voicebox. There are problems initially with eating and a permanent new method of speech has to be learned.
You will see many examples of how patient face up to the challenge and get back to a normal life.