Liverpool Larry’s June Meeting

Liverpool Larry’s Meeting Minutes


In attendance:

SLT Team: Elizabeth and Adam (SLT apprentice)

  1. Welcome and Introductions

Elizabeth welcomed everyone and thanked them for attending extended a warm welcome to 4 new members – John, Susan, Jo and Christine.

  1. Apologies: From Katie and Vi

  2. Previous Minutes – Discussed

  3. Matters arising – none

  4. Feedback from SLT Team

  • Elizabeth updated the group regarding Integrated Speech and language Therapy Project (HANIT) – crucial point in evaluating the project to secure permanent funding. Elizabeth will continue to keep group informed of developments.

  • Introduced the plans to enable patients to self-change their valves to improve patient independence, choice, and control – process and pathway will need to be developed.
  • Elizabeth informed the group that Katie will be starting her apprenticeship in September so may not be able to continue to attend the group.

  1. Feedback from Chair/Committee Members Update:

  • Steve updated the group re the bank account. We have over £1200 form cake/book sale/pigs etc and Eliz will transfer her sponsorship money next week which will take us to over £2400

  • Celebratory lunch: No venue confirmed yet. Agreed to try to check out the Liner – Anne kindly agreed to pop in to speak to them. Anticipate there will be approx. 30 people attending – will extend invite to wider SLT and CNS team to join in the celebration. Still confirmed for Thursday 1st August 2024 approx. 1-5pm. No updates from Katie from The Philharmonic pub, The Liner Hotel. Anne asked if Katie would try to contact Philharmonic again.

  1. Room Availability – meeting held in Room 1 today which was much more suitable and comfortably accommodated the group. The group were happy to continue with this venue.

  2. Website/Social media updates

Derek updated the group regarding being contacted by a man called Dwain in USA who had requested to share information/resources as he has a similar social media account/website about emphysema.

Daily Inspiration link remains active – Steve talked about the positive benefits he has experienced from his daily emails.

Fund raising:

Reminder to bring pigs in when full and Steve can deposit into the account.

Future speakers: No new suggestions – Elizabeth asked members to continue to think of ideas.


  • Jo spoke about work she has been involved in with Liverpool H & N Centre in raising awareness in high level of suicide in laryngectomy community. This led her to attend a course on Raising Awareness in Suicide Prevention – she had contacted the Suicide prevention Charity and attended a 3-day course. She shared the benefits of a Safe Talk course – 3-hour on-line course costing £60. The issue was sensitively discussed by the group, and it was agreed that Jo would share some information with Derek which could be added to website.

  • Discussion re. whether group should apply for our own charitable status rather than just through NALC – Steve agreed to look into this and maybe contact Oldham Quiet Ones for further information.

Speaker Hannah unable to attend – Steve to contact her to see if she wants to rearrange.

To Conclude

Thank you to everyone who attended. The next meeting will be on Thursday 4th July 2024 at the 13:30- 15:00pm.

Meeting Room 1

Central Library

William Brown Street


L3 8EW

Chris the CEO from The Swallows will be joining the next meeting to give a talk about The Swallows Head and Neck Cancer Support Group.


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