Liverpool Larry’s July Meeting

Liverpool Larry’s Meeting Minutes


In attendance:

SLT Team: Elizabeth and Katie

Welcome and Introductions

1. Elizabeth welcomed everyone and thanked them for attending extended a warm welcome to 2 new members Pauline and Tracy
2. Apologies: from Mick, Donna and Christine
3. Previous Minutes – Discussed
4. Matters arising – none
5. Feedback from SLT Team…
Elizabeth updated the group regarding Integrated Speech and language Therapy Project (HANIT) – crucial point in evaluating the project to secure permanent funding.
6. Feedback from Chair/Committee Members Update:

Steve updated the group re the bank account. We have over £2443.99 with more donations coming in. Thank you very much everyone for all your piggy bank collections.
Celebratory lunch: We have a confirmed venue! Duke Street Food and Drink Market has been booked for Thursday 1st August 2024 to celebrate 1 year of the Liverpool Larrys! Everyone is welcome to come along. Time to be confirmed.

7. Room Availability – following meetings will be held in Room 1 – the group are happy to continue with this venue.
8. Website/Social media updates



Keep bringing in those pigs! When your piggy bank is full, please bring them in and Steve can deposit into the account.


Speaker Hannah unable to attend – Steve to contact her to see if she wants to rearrange.

Chris CEO from The Swallows joined to meeting to talk about the background of The Swallows and his personal experience of suffering with head and neck cancer. Chris spoke out the support services The Swallows offer including a support group, a 24/7 phone line and text service as well as creating awareness of head and neck cancer UK and worldwide.

The Swallows are launching a Restaurant Card in September, a card designed to be carried by people with swallowing difficulties to discreetly and easily alert staff in a restaurant setting that they have a swallowing difficulty.

Restaurants will be provided with information, so they know how to respond and help to make their service more accessible. They will be encouraged to consider simple and reasonable adjustments to support people who have swallowing difficulties.

How Restaurants could be made more accessible:

·         Staff know about swallowing difficulties and first aid for choking.

·         Staff know about high risk choking foods and modified diets.

·         Mark items on the menu that can be modified.

·         Give patient extra time to eat. 

·         Allow the patient to bring in own food and offer to heat it up.

Chris also provided the group with a number of leaflets including Practical Meal Planning recipe book for patients recovering from Head and Neck Cancer created by Andrew Gaylor.


To Conclude

Thank you to everyone who attended.

Please note, the next meeting will NOT be held at the Liverpool Library! INSTEAD we are celebrating 1 year of the Liverpool Larrys at:

Date: Thursday 1st August 2024

Time: 13:00 – 17:00

Location: Duke Street Food and Drink Market

46 Duke Street,


L1 5AS

AOB: We will be located within the Private Dining Room


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